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S.C.A.T. - Apopatophobia

S.C.A.T. - Apopatophobia

Released: 2011
Label: Coyote Records
Country: Russia

1. Intro
2. Repeated Outrage Upon the Dead Body
3. Balls Thieves
4. Premature Defecation Process
5. Admiration By Leanness (Hymn to Anorexia)
6. Rectal Sniff
7. Snakes Creep Out from Your Ass...
8. Grandmother's Strapon
9. Pleasure By Necrocoprophagy Act
10. Sudden Necrozoopedophilic Syndrome
11. Decorative Sphincter Changes
12. Death at the Toilet Bowl
13. Self-Castration Ritual
14. Global Pediculosis Infection
15. Excrement Tasting
16. Village Toilet
17. Interwomb Suicide
18. Intestinal Revolution

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